How to call on contracts from other contracts in Solidity


When we have the address of another smart contract, we can call its functions in multiple different ways:

contract One {
	function foo() external {}

contract Two {
	function a(address _address) external {
	function b(One _address) external {;
	function c(address _address) external {"foo()"));
	function d(address _address) external {;

Pass the address into the contract, and then call a function on the contract:

address _address;

Directly call the function on the address:

One _address;;

Using call

Use the low level call function.

To reference the function we want to call, we can:

Encode with signature

Use abi.encodeWithSignature and pass the function signature including its parameter types.
		"some string",

Note that we don’t use spaces to separate parameter types in the encoding.

Also we don’t use type aliases, instead of uint we definitely declare uint256.

Encode with selector
		"some string",

This way we do not have to manually define the function parameters types.

Return values

We will get back a boolean indicating success/failure and the output of the function.

(bool success, bytes memory data) ="");

Pass ether with function call

One _address;{value: 1 ether}();

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